IV. Nomzodlarni tanlash jarayonlarining jonli (onlayn) translyatsasi:
On February 7, an assessment of the theoretical knowledge and analytical abilities of candidates recognized as meeting the qualification requirements among candidates who applied for vacant positions in the Compliance Service took place in the Training Center of JSC NMMC in Navoi city, was broadcast online on the official page in Facebook.
On April 3, an assessment of the theoretical knowledge and analytical abilities of candidates recognized as meeting the qualification requirements among candidates who applied for vacant positions in the Compliance Service took place in the Training Center of JSC NMMC in Navoi city, was broadcasted online on the official page in Facebook.
VI. Hozirgi kunda mavjud bo‘lgan bo‘sh ish o‘rinlari:
“NKMK” AJ “Qizilqum” kon boshqarmasi Idoraviy harbiylashtirilgan qo‘riqlash otryadi “nazorat o‘tish punkti nazoratchisi” kasbi bo‘yicha ochiq tanlov eʼlon qiladi