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Innovative technologies
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- Innovative technologies
- Created: 23.12.2020
- Updated: 29.05.2023
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Innovative technologies
There was launched a unified situational production control center at the Central Mining Administration in 2023. The main task of this center, which is located at Hydrometallurgical plant №2, is to fully control, analyze and manage the processes of geological exploration, ore mining, transportation and processing at hydrometallurgical plants.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 12, 2022, specialists of Joint Stock Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company Kuvandik Sanakulov, Nikolay Snitka, Rustamjon Usmanov, Ulugbek Ergashev, Otabek Mustakimov were awarded the State Prize of the first degree in science and technology for scientific and practical work “Development and implementation of an integrated technology for the development and processing of technological and refractory gold-bearing ores”.
In 2021, there was held the opening of Hydrometallurgical plant-7, which will process 15 million tons of technogenic waste per year, at the Central mining administration. At HMP-7, on the basis of modern technologies, products are obtained from processed (technogenic) ores. The difference between the plant and other hydrometallurgical plants of NMMC is that, thanks to the technologies used here, it is possible to process and obtain products from processed ore. The production of products from technogenic waste at the enterprise fully complies with all environmental requirements. The most important thing is that only local chemical products are used in the processing process.
In 2019, the high-tech complex – filtration, drying and roasting unit was put into operation at Hydrometallurgical plant №3 in Northern mining administration. This complex, built in cooperation with the German company Engineering Dobersek, is aimed at further improving the technology for processing gold sulfide ores from the Kokpatas and Daugistau deposits. Thanks to its advanced engineering and technical solutions, the level of technological equipment, the complex has no analogues in the world.
In 2017, for the first time in the history of mining and metallurgical industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, specialists of Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat were awarded the Gold medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the United Nations for the development and implementation of the “Method for extracting gold from refractory sulfide gold-arsenic ores”.
In 2018, in order to develop researchs and innovative activities there was created the Innovation center and was adopted the Program for the Innovative development of Navoi mining and metallurgical plant until 2026 at the plant. The introduction of 105 innovative projects of the program into production will create great prerequisites for increasing the efficiency of mining and processing of gold-bearing ores and uranium, reducing the cost of production and expanding the number of export products.
At the plant system today effectively operates:
- Innovation center
- Central research laboratory
- Central construction bureau
- Central project bureau
- Central physico-chemical laboratory in Northern mining administration
- Central plant laboratories at Hydrometallurgical plants №2, 3
The plant successfully cooperates with leading foreign institutions: “OUTOTEC” (Finland), JSC “VNIPIPROMTEXNOLOGIYA”, JSC “VNIIXT”, JSC “RIVS”, VNIMI, JSC “Irgiredmet” (Russia), “Integra-Group” (USA), LLC “Integra RU” (Russia), “ENGINEERING DOBERSEK GmbH” (Germany), as well as domestic universities and research institutions: SE “NIIMR”, Institute of microbiology, Tashkent state technical university, National university of Uzbekistan, Navoi state mining institute, High technology experimental center, Institute of nuclear physics, O'zGEORANGMETLITI.
The main directions of innovative development of NMMC:
- Geological exploration
- Mining works
- Processing and enrichment
- Transport
- Mechanical engineering and metallurgy
- Energy
- Automation, information and communication technologies
- Labor protection and industrial safety
- Ecology and environmental protection
- Medicine
- Agriculture
The introduction of innovative developments will allow solving problems:
- outstripping development of the mineral resource base, ensuring an increase in the growth of industrial reserves of minerals;
- reducing the cost of mining and specific costs of materials and reagents, fuel, energy costs, operating costs for the maintenance of mining equipment;
- completeness of subsoil mining, comprehensive and economically rational mining of minerals, taking into account environmental protection and safety of work;
- complex processing of gold-bearing, uranium and black shale ores;
- obtaining rare and rare earth metals;
- localization of technological equipment and spare parts;
- ensuring safe working conditions;
- ensuring timely analysis and forecasting, timely response to prevent possible accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities of NMMC;
- reducing the negative impact of the plant’s production on the environment;
- increasing the reliability and safety of production equipment;
- increasing the level of organizational management of production processes;
- increasing the range of export-oriented manufactured products;
- predicting and preventing the risks of developing professional diseases.