Central Mining Administration is the largest unit of the company
Created: 15.02.2024
Updated: 15.02.2024
Read: 4134
Central Mining Administration is the largest unit of the company
In JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company, gold mining and processing is carried out in such units as Central, Northern, Southern Mining Administrations and Mining Administration “Kyzylkum”.
Central Mining Administration is the largest unit of the company in terms of production indicators. In recent years, the implementation of large investment projects for the construction of new hydrometallurgical plants, the development of new deposits, and the increase in the capacity of existing mines and plants serves to increase the rate of production in the mining administration.
Over the past seven years, the commissioning of Hydrometallurgical Plants №5, 7, the second stage of Hydrometallurgical Plant №2, work performed at the Muruntau, Auminzo-Amantoy, Balpantau, Tamdybulak and Turbay mines based on investment projects created new opportunities and prospects for Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company.
As a result, in 2017, in Central Mining Administration mining amounted to 40 million tons of ore, and in 2023 this figure was equal to 70.7 million tons of ore. Great results were also achieved in processing. In particular, in 2017, 50.6 million tons of ore were processed at HMP-2, in Gold Heap Leaching Unit, and in 2023 this figure was increased to 84.2 million tons of ore due to the launch of HMP-5, 7, the second stage of HMP-2 based on investment projects.
It should be noted that this year the mining administration is also carrying out large-scale work to implement investment projects and improve production indicators.