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Press events with the participation of the general public and the media
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- Press events with the participation of the general public and the media
- Created: 11.01.2023
- Updated: 12.01.2024
- Read: 72841
Press events with the participation of the general public and the media
Media and public relationship activity of JSC NMMC in 2023
In 2023, 5 press conferences, 1 press tour and 8 briefings were organized for media representatives and journalists.
These press conferences can be found at the following links:
This press tour can be found at the following links:
These briefings can be found at the following links:
“Navoiy kon-metallurgiya kombinati” aksiyadorlik jamiyati faoliyatida ochiqlik va shaffoflikni taʼminlash, korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish borasida ishchi-xodimlarning huquqiy ongi vа madaniyatini oshirish maqsadida joriy yilning noyabr-dekabr oylarida “Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish oyligi” o‘tkazilmoqda. Mazkur oylik doirasida korxona ishchi-xodimlari uchun 9-dekabr – Xalqaro korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish kuniga bag‘ishlangan “Ochiq eshiklar kuni” tadbiri 22-noyabr kuni Navoiy shahridagi “NKMK tarixi” muzeyida bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Navoiy kon-metallurgiya kombinati faoliyatida ochiqlik va shaffoflik taʼminlash, korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish borasida ishchi-xodimlarning huquqiy ongi va madaniyatini oshirish maqsadida joriy yilning noyabr-dekabr oylarida kombinat bo‘linmalarida “Korrupsiyaga qarshi kurashish oyligi” o‘tkazilmoqda.
On April 12th, there were held meetings with the participation of representatives of the Compliance Service of JSC NMMC and employees in the units of Northern Mining Administration.
There was held a meeting on the topic “Anti-corruption is an important task” at the Northern mining administration.
There was held the training seminar to explain to the company’s employees the essence and significance of the adopted regulatory documents on anti-corruption at Navoi machine-building plant.
There was held the meeting to explain to the company’s employees the essence and significance of the adopted legal documents on anti-corruption, including the Code of Ethics for employees of JSC NMMC at “HMP-1” Mining Administration.
On July 5, there was held a seminar to explain to the employees of JSC NMMC the essence and significance of the adopted legal documents on anti-corruption in Navoi city.
There are held seminars to explain to employees the essence and significance of the adopted legal documents on anti-corruption in units of Joint Stock Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company.
On December 6, there was held a training seminar dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day at the Training center of JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company.