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Company chronicles
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- Company chronicles
- Created: 20.11.2020
- Updated: 23.05.2023
- Read: 35445
Company chronicles. Key events
- On May 16, a household complex with 250 seats and a canteen with 80 seats were put into operation at the Zarmitan mine in Zarkent village of Kushrabat district.
- The titles of professor were awarded to the deputy head of the Technological Department Ulugbek Ergashev in the direction of “Beneficiation of mineral resources” and the head of the Innovation Center for the Introduction of New Technologies Ulugbek Sharafutdinov in the direction of “Technology of rare and radioactive elements”.
- The Central Mechanical Repair Unit, one of the leading enterprises of the Central Mining Administration, began operating as the Zarafshan Mechanical Repair Plant on May 1.
- The first mining equipment of this type put into operation in Central Asia – Komatsu 860E-1K dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 254 tons began work at the Muruntau mine.
- In Openness Index 2023, aimed at assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the work done on openness in government agencies and organizations, the Company scored 84.7 points, showed one of the highest performance indicators and took 5th place. In the context of joint stock companies, the Company took the 2nd place among 32 large industrial enterprises and companies.
- According to the results of the rating of the anti-corruption effectiveness of government bodies and organizations in 2023, the anti-corruption activities of the Company were rated in the “good” category with 89 points.
- Based on an investment project to improve the road transport infrastructure on the territory of the Auminzo-Amantoy mine, the Auminzo-Amantoy transport unit of the Road Transport Department of the Central Mining Administration was put into operation.
2023 year
- On November 17, a festive celebration dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the formation of NMMC took place at the Farhad Palace of Culture in Navoi city. Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdulla Aripov read the festive congratulations of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, sent to the NMMC team. At the event, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan a group of employees of the company were presented with high state awards.
- In connection with the 65th anniversary of the formation of NMMC, the congratulations of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were sent to the team of JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company.
- In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 16, 2023, a group of employees of the company were awarded high state awards.
- As part of one of the largest events in the field of digital technologies in Central Asia – ICTWeek Uzbekistan - 2023, held in Tashkent city, among government organizations and enterprises that are actively involved in the development of “digital government” and showed effective results in the field of digitalization, JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company was awarded in the category “Best enterprise for the implementation of digital technologies”.
- Kitco (Canada) reported the world’s Top 10 largest gold mining companies by production in H1 2023. According to this list, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company took 5th place and became one of the world leaders in gold production.
- A modern specialized boarding school for 504 places, built by Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company, was put into operation in Tamdy district of Navoiy region.
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 27, 2023, the driver of the dump truck of Central mining administration Sayfidin Bahronov was awarded the honorary title “O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko‘rsatgan sanoat xodimi”, the head of the Auminzo-Amantoy mine of Central mining administration Avazkhon Ezozhonov – with the order “Do‘stlik”.
- The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) awarded Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat the certificate confirming the successful completion of the next tests for full compliance with market requirements.
- There was launched the first mill unit on the Hydrometallurgical Plant №6 - the Complex for the extraction and processing of gold ores at the Pistali deposit, located on the territory of Nurata district of Navoi region.
- Kitco (Canada) reported the world’s top 10 largest gold mines in 2022. According to this list, the Muruntau mine became one of the world leaders in gold mining last year.
- On the eve of the Day of mining and metallurgical industry’s employees of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the crushing and screening complex №1 was launched at the Muruntau chalk-stone deposit.
- JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company, having scored 76.2 points, showed one of the highest performance indicators and took 5th place in the Openness Index 2022, aimed at assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the work done on openness in government agencies and organizations. In the context of joint-stock companies of this index, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company took the 1st place among 22 large industrial enterprises and companies.
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 6th, 2023, the machinist of the Forge and press unit of Navoi Machine-Building Plant of JSC NMMC Zulfiya Akhmedova was awarded the order “Mehnat shuhrati”.
- JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company participated in PDAC (the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada), the World’s Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention, which occurred in Toronto between the 6-8th March.
- There was launched a unified situational production control center at the Central Mining Administration. The main task of this center, which is located at Hydrometallurgical plant №2, is to fully control, analyze and manage the processes of geological exploration, ore mining, transportation and processing at hydrometallurgical plants.
- on February 21th, a new modern smelting furnace for 25 tons was launched in the Foundry unit of Navoi Machine-Building Plant.
- On January 6th, the first explosion took place at the Pistali deposit, located on the territory of Nurata district of Navoi region.
2022 year
- In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 12, 2022, specialists of Joint Stock Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company Kuvandik Sanakulov, Nikolay Snitka, Rustamjon Usmanov, Ulugbek Ergashev, Otabek Mustakimov were awarded the State Prize of the first degree in science and technology for scientific and practical work “Development and implementation of an integrated technology for the development and processing of technological and refractory gold-bearing ores”.
- Europe's leading mining investment event Mines and Money was held on 28 on 29 November - 1 December 2022 in London. Among the participants of the event there were also representatives of the leading industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan, including JSC NMMC.
- The 10th MINEX Eurasia Conference under the general theme “Sustainable Mining in Central Asia, Mongolia & Europe” was held on 28 November 2022 in London. First Deputy CEO, Chief Transformation Officer, member of the Management Board of JSC NMMC Eugene Antonov, Director for resources of JSC NMMC Liubov Egorova made presentations at the conference.
- There was held the Republican intersectoral industrial fair on November 14-18 in Tashkent city. JSC NMMC was recognized as the most contracting branch enterprise.
- On November 19-23, JSC NMMC in cooperation with the Union of journalists of Uzbekistan held the II media forum on the topic "National journalism: continuity of traditions and modernity" at the "NMMC" sanatorium in Zaamin district of Jizzakh region. There was organized a press tour to the Zarmitan mine of Southern mining administration of JSC NMMC for the participants of the media forum.
- On November 3-4, Samarkand city hosted II Uzbekistan Economic Forum, which brought together the world's leading economists and international experts. At this Forum, the management of JSC NMMC held a number of meetings in order to establish strong relations with business circles and foreign partners, international banks.
- There was held the 4th Uzbekistan International Mining & Metals Forum (UIMF 2022) in Tashkent as part of the 16th MiningMetals Uzbekistan 2022 International Exhibition for Mining, Metallurgy and Metalworking held on November 2-4. At the Forum a special session was presented for the first time with the participation of representatives of JSC NMMC.
- In accordance with the decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 29, 2022, director of Central mining administration Elmurad Khalikulov was awarded the order “Mehnat Shuhrati”, deputy chief geologist of JSC NMMC Ilhomjon Khamroev – with the order “Do‘stlik”, leading engineer of mining department of Southern mining administration Akmal Jamonkulov – with the medal “Shuhrat”, rescue driver of the fire and rescue unit of Central mining administration Obidjon Abdullaev – with the medal “Shuhrat”.
- For the first time in the history of the mining industry of Uzbekistan, the depth of the mine reached 1 000 meters at the industrial site “Zarmitan”.
- There was put into operation a 35-kilometer railway line connecting the Tamdybulak deposit with Hydrometallurgical plant-2 on the territory of Tamdy district.
- For the first time in the history of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company attracted an unsecured long-term syndicated loan for a period of 5 years from the leading international banks. The total amount of the deal is up to USD 1.2 billion.
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 29, 2022, head of cyanidation and sorption unit at Hydrometallurgical plant-7 of JSC NMMC Ulugbek Kuvondikov was awarded the medal “Kelajak bunyodkori”.
- There was opened a modern sports facility – a handball hall in Navoi city.
- The State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan has published an analysis of the financial statements of enterprises with state participation. Accordingly, the analysis of financial statements for 2021, the company with the largest net profit and dividends was Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company.
- Kitco (Canada) reported the world’s top 10 largest gold mines in 2021. According to this list, Muruntau mine became the world leader in gold mining in 2021. Last year, Muruntau mine produced more than 2 million ounces of gold.
- Within the framework of investment projects implemented by “NMMC” JSC, there was performed the first blasting work and was begun mining at the Balpantau and Tamdybulak deposits in Tamdy district.
- “NMMC” JSC together with the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan held the first Republican media forum on the topic “National journalism: continuity of traditions and modernity”.
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 5, 2022, the crane operator of Northern mining administration of “NMMC” JSC Bashorat Tursunova was awarded the order “Mehnat shuhrati”.
- 20 years have passed since starting the development of Daugyztau mine in Northern mining administration of “NMMC” JSC.
- Starting from January 1, 2022, “Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company” Joint-Stock Company, “Navoiyuran” State Enterprise, and “NMMC Fund” State Organization started independent activities.
2021 year
- On October 8, 2021, there was held the opening ceremony of a modern special preschool educational organization for children with disabilities in Zarafshan town, built with the sponsorship of Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company.
- During a trip to Navoi region on August 27, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the activities of Hydrometallurgical plant-7 – an enterprise for processing technogenic waste of Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat.
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 25, 2021, director of the Production Association “Navoi machine-building plant” Uktam Rakhmatov was awarded the honorary title “O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko‘rsatgan sanoat xodimi”, head of Zarafshan construction department Ali Eshonkulov – honorary title “O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko‘rsatgan quruvchi”, head of the Investment department Nemat Ruziev was awarded the order “Mehnat Shuhrati”, miner of Zarmitan mine of the Southern mining administration Shavkat Tursunov – with the order “Do‘stlik”, excavator driver at the Muruntau mine of the Central mining administration Zohiddin Bobayev – with the medal “Shuhrat”.
- There was put into operation of the Northeast Cyclical flow technology complex within the framework of the investment project “Development of the Muruntau quarry. Phase V” at the Muruntau mine in the Central mining administration.
- There was held the opening of Hydrometallurgical plant-7, which will process 15 million tons of technogenic waste per year, at the Central mining administration.
- There were put into operation a process line for a mobile (portable) laying unit at Guzhumsay mine, as well as the building of a mine hoisting machine and a shaft of a pile driver, built on the site of “Glavniy” shaft of Zarmitan mine in the Southern mining administration.
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 30, 2021, head of the construction and assembly department “Zarafshan” Vakhtang Kapanadze was awarded the order “Mehnat Shuhrati”.
- NMMC was awarded the nomination "The best indicators for the development of IT and digitalization of activities" for positive results in the framework of digital development.
- The Forbes reported, according to the World gold council, Uzbekistan entered the list of 10 leading gold-producing countries in the world. Forbes noted that the world's largest open gold mine by area "Muruntau" is located in Uzbekistan, which is also possibly the largest in the world in terms of gold reserves.
- 50 years have passed since the founding of Mining administration №5.
- On January 9, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution "On the organization of the activities of State enterprise "Navoiyuran", Joint stock company "Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat", State Institution "Fund of the Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat".
- According to the analytical center Kitco, Muruntau mine is recognized as the world leader in gold production in 2020.
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 30, 2021, crane operator of Navoi machine-building plant Dildor Tilabova was awarded the order of “Mehnat Shuhrati”.
- NMMC became the winner of the national competition "Gender Equality Activist" in the nomination "The most active ministries/state institutions, organizations and departments in ensuring gender equality."
2020 year
- There was opened a new hand-molded section in the foundry of Navoi machine-building plant;
- There was put into operation a section for galvanizing metals at Takhiatash plant of metal structures and non-standard equipment in Takhiatash region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan;
- There were opened 2 new hostels for workers on the territory of the Daugiztau mine of Northern mining administration;
- On March 6, The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures to reform the State enterprise “Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat”;
- 25 years have passed since putting into operation the Hydrometallurgical plant №3 of Northern mining administration;
- 10 years have passed since putting into operation the Hydrometallurgical plant №4 of Southern mining administration;
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 28, 2020, deputy chief engineer of NMMC for production Serob Isunts was awarded the title “O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko‘rsatgan sanoat xodim”, miner of the Zarmitan mine of Southern mining administration Abdugani Usmonov – the order of “Mehnat Shuhrati”, head of the technical control service of NMMC Bakhtiyor Kholmurodov – the order “Do‘stlik”.
- As part of an investment project to expand the processing capacities of Hydrometallurgical plant №2 there were launched mill blocks №29, 30 at GMP-2 in the Central mining administration.
- As part of the first and the second stages of the investment project to increase the capacities of Hydrometallurgical plant №7 there were were put into operation four mill blocks at GMP-7 in the Central mining administration.
- There was launched a high-tech complex for the production of gold and silver measured ingots on the basis of the existing finished products department at Hydrometallurgical plant №2 in the Central mining administration.
- There was opened the township for workers with 120 places at the "Zhingeldy" site in the Mining administration №5.
2019 year
- On January 9, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures to improve the efficiency of the State Company “Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat”;
- On January 17, The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures to further improve the activities of enterprises in the mining and metallurgical industry”;
- Sanatorium “NMMC” was commissioned in Zaamin district of Jizzakh region;
- The “Children's town” was commissioned for pupils of the “Shodlik” relief house of Zarafshan;
- The “Oltin Kul” complex (“Golden Lake”) was commissioned in the Uchkuduk town;
- The Complex for high-efficiency firing of tails of the sorption process was commissioned at the Hydrometallurgical plant No.3 of the Northern mining administration;
- The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) granted the Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat a certificate confirming the success of the next test tests for full compliance with market requirements;
- The next stage of the “Fountain Alley” was commissioned in the center of Zarafshan;
- The livestock complex was commissioned In Kushrabat district of Samarkand region;
- The poultry factory for 20 thousand chickens was commissioned in Takhiatash district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan;
- In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 29, 2019, tuner at the Guzhumsay mine site of Southern mining administration Komil Tangirov was awarded the title “O‘zbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko‘rsatgan sanoat xodimi”, software engineer of the Center for information and communication technologies of Northern mining administration Alexander Khalturinsky was awarded the medal “Jasorat”.
2018 year
- Fountain Alley was built in Zarafshan;
- A new mine with a depth of 500 meters and a diameter of 6 meters was put into operation in Guzhumsay mine of Southern Mining Administration;
- Konchi health care center has been reconstructed in Uchkuduk;
- a children's recreation camp “Kelajak” was commissioned in Urgut district of Samarkand region;
- the pre-school educational institution “Kuzmunchok” was commissioned in Nurabad;
- a site for the production of rare and rare-earth metals was put into operation in Geotechnological Mine No.4 of Mining Administration No.5;
- October 18, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures for the broad celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of Navoi city and State Company “Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat”;
- November 5, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On the approval of the feasibility study of Muruntau open-cast mine (phase V) stage I working off investment project”.
2017 year
- “Auminso-Amantay” gold mine was commissioned;
- NMMC was awarded in the gold category for outstanding commitment, assistance and efforts in maintaining and improving quality management achievements;
- The Gold Medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) "For Invention" was awarded to 12 employees of Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat for the development and implementation of the “Method of gold recovery from persistent sulphide gold and arsenical ores”;
- a light and music fountain and a youth center "Kelajak" were built in Uchkuduk;
- the reconstruction of “Neptun” swimming pool was made in Zarafshan;
- “Sogdiana” stadium was reconstructed in Navoi;
- “Yangi Hayot” health complex was constructed in Zafarabad settlement;
- The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoev approved a program to increase the volume of precious metals production in the combinat, designed for 2017-2026;
- On March 28, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, visiting the Navoi State Mining Institute, participated in the solemn ceremony dedicated to the start of construction of Hydrometallurgical Plant No. 5 of Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat based on Auminso-Amantay gold mine.
2016 year
- recycling of mineralized mass depots of Muruntau mine by heap leaching was begun;
- reconstruction of backup (emergency) power supply of special category objects of HMP-3 was made;
- Local and Sorption Plant No.5 were constructed in SeverniyKanimekh deposit;
- a 4-storey 44-apartment house for young families was built in Zarkent village of Kushrabat district, Samarkand region;
- the pulmonary dispensary building is redeveloped under the Nurabad balneal sanatorium in Southern Mining Administration;
- the reconstruction of Metallurg sanatorium has been made;
- a new educational building of the Navoi State Mining Institute was commissioned;
- the construction of aqua park in Zarkent village of Kushrabat district, Samarkand region.
2015 year
- Aquapark in Zarafshan was put into operation;
- five of 16 apartment houses in Zarkent settlement were commissioned;
- industrial and social objects in Sugraly and SeverniyKanimekh mines of Mining Administration No.5 were put into operation;
- a mini-workshop for the production of mineral water "Nur-diyor" in Agricultural Firm "Dustlik" was opened.
2014 year
- the second phase of the Kyzylkum phosphorite complex was opened;
- two 40 and 48 apartment houses in Uchkuduk were commissioned;
- the Youth centre in Uchkuduk was put into operation;
- the 40 apartment house in Zarafshan was commissioned.
2013 year
- the Museum of NMMC was opened in Palace of culture “Farhad”;
- the 50 apartment house in Uchkuduk was commissioned;
- the 48 apartment house in Zarafshan was put into operation;
- the Park of culture and rest "Orzu" in Uchkuduk was opened;
- a youth hostel in Zafarabad town was commissioned;
- inflatable sports hall in Zarafshan was opened.
2012 year
- a new sports complex in Zarafshan was opened
- a new field “Aulbek” was discovered in Mining Administration No.5;
2011 year
- The high-angle conveyor was commissioned in Muruntau mine.
2010 year
- the children's activity center was opened in Navoi;
- the gasification of Uchkuduk was completed;
- Hydrometallurgical Plant No.4 was commissioned in Zarmitan;
- Gunjak site development of Ketmenchi deposit has begun in Southern Mining Administration.
2009 year
- Navoi Trust was established in Zarafshan Construction Administration;
- a modern checkpoint was opened at Hydrometallurgical Plant No.1;
- Alendy deposit was commissioned in Mining Administration No.5;
- a site for overhauling drilling rigs and equipment of the uranium complex was opened in Mining Administration No.5;
- the production unit of Yarkuduk deposit was put into operation in Southern Mining Administration;
- a children's sports gymnastic complex with a gymnasium was built in Navoi;
- the development of Maylisay rare-earth metal deposit has begun;
- hydroponics workshop was introduced in Agricultural Firm “Dustlik”.
2008 year
- HMP-2 came up to full capacity – 32 mln. tons a year, 700 mln. tons of ore had been processed since its foundation;
- BIOX bacterial leaching technology was introduced in Northern Mining Administration;
- Mining Administration No.5 started mining works in commissioning and start-up complex of SeverniyKanimekh deposit;
- the mine construction in Zarmitan deposit was completed.
2007 year
- NMMC was awarded with the New Millenium Prize “For technology and Quality” in Geneva;
- the construction of Unit No.28 together with expansion and reconstruction of adjoining production areas were completed in HMP-2;
- phosphorite ore chlorine washing-off department was put into operation in Kyzylkum Phosphorite Complex;
- “Zarafshan” boarding house of Central Mining Administration became the first holder of International Quality Management System Certificate for services in rest and health promotion organization;
- Zarafshan Construction Administration became the winner of the republican contest “The best enterprise in design, construction and manufacture of construction materials” and was recognized as the best construction organization in building, architecture and manufacture of construction materials in Uzbekistan;
- International Business Centre “Poytaht” was built in Tashkent by Zarafshan Construction Administration.
2006 year
- NMMC was awarded “The new millennium prize” founded by the Trade Leaders’ Club for innovation and high quality of the products;
- PA “NMBP” was awarded with the Quality Management System Certificate for design, assembly, fitting and after-sales service of metal-working machines; design and manufacture of such household appliances as woodworking machines, washing machines as well as plastic and rubber items; mid-life and major repair of metal-working machines;
- Southern Mining Administration was awarded with the Quality Management System Certificate for PVC and PE pipes;
- PA “NMBP” manufactured a lake salt washing unit for Kungrad soda plant and mastered foundry of turn rims for wet autogenous mills and screen discharged ball mills;
- the art school opened in Zarafshan;
- the machine-builders of PA “NMBP” won in the republican review-competition “Uzbek best products”.
2005 yaer
- the integrated management system for the production of precious metals and phosphorite products was introduced in Central Mining Administration;
- the construction of bioleaching complex was started on the basis of HMP-3;
2004 year
- Joint Venture “Amantaitau-Goldfields” was established;
- a dairy products mini-plant was opened in Agricultural Firm “Dustlik”.
2003 year
- Mining Administration No.5 started industrial development of Tokhumbet uranium deposit;
- the first bucket for CAT-5230 excavator was manufactured, manufacture of lining for ММС-90х30 mills and wagons was mastered in PA “NMBP”.
- nonradioactive waste disposal points in mines No.1,2,3 were built in Mining Adminisration No.5.
2002 year
- emulsion explosives plant was put into operation in Central Mining Administration;
- Zarmitan and Marjanbulak gold mines and Marjanbulak gold extraction plant became the part of NMMC Southern Mining Administration;
- “Zarafshan” boarding house and “Pakhlavon” children’s health camp were built with the help of Zarafshan Construction Administration;
- the pilot ore sorting complex with X-ray radiometric sorting was commissioned in HMP-3 in Northern Mining Administration;
- block stone processing department was put into operation and mineral water and soft drinks shop was opened in Southern Mining Administration.
2001 year
-the billionth cubic meter of rock was mined in Muruntau open pit;
- Mining Administration No.5 was awarded the diploma of “Ecosan” International Fund for the performances achieved in environment protection sphere.
2000 year
- NMMC was awarded with “Dustlik” (Friendship) Order;
- Damhodja-Karnab waterway was laid to provide Karnab village people with drinking water;
- a hydro-press not having analogues in Uzbekistan was startup in Production Association “Navoi Machine Building Plant”;
- commissioning of juice packing line in Agricultural Enterprise “Dustlik”.
1999 year
- Uchkuduk railway station was built and Zarafshan airport was reconstructed by Zarafshan Construction Administration.
1998 year
- NMMC gold was successfully certified in Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM);
- Kyzylkum Phosphorite Complex was commissioned;
- automated process transport control system with using modern navigation systems was developed and implemented at Muruntau open pit;
- mining complex in Layliken uranium deposit was put into operation.
1997 year
- uranium mine in Kendyk-Tyube deposit started operation using in-situ leaching method;
- commercial production of liquid glass was developed in HMP-1;
- “Uzbekistan Mining Herald” scientific production journal was established.
1996 year
- mining works in Tashkura area of Djeroy-Sardarinsk phosphorite deposit was started;
- the plastic pipes production workshop was put into operation in Southern Mining Administration.
1995 year
- startup of HMP-3 phase I and mines in Kokpatas deposit;
- gold heap leaching complex was commissioned;
- Chingali marble quarry and facing tile production line were put into operation in Southern Mining Administration;
- The Navoi State Mining Institute (NSMI) was founded.
1994 year
- NMMC gold was awarded the status of “Good Delivery” by the London Bullion Market Association;
- formation of MTA (Motor Transport Administration) in Northern Mining Administration.
1993 year
- NMMC was awarded a “Diamond Star for Quality” prize (Brazil) and “Prize for Quality” (Spain) for high quality of its products;
- Mining Administration No.5 became a part of NMMC;
- Dzham-2 marble mine started operation in Southern Mining Administration.
1992 year
- commissioning of the Joint Venture “Zarispark” for the production of jewellery, now a jewelry factory that is part of NMMC
- formed spinning and knitting factory “Agama”.
1991 year
- September 1, 1991 declared Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- start up of unit No.22 in HMP-2;
- mining operations in Vostochniy mine of Kokpatas deposit was started;
- REP was renamed into Navoi Machine Building Plant.
1989 year
- the first turning lathe NT-200I was manufactured in REP.
1986 year
- Zarafshan-Uchkuduk drinking waterway was constructed and put into operation;
- HMP-1 started the production of ammonium perrhenate.
1985 year
- sulfuric acid plant was put into operation in Uchkuduk.
1984 year
- Zafarabad was given the status of urban type settlement.
1983 year
- maximum production capacity in uranium ore processing and finished product manufacture was achieved in HMP-1.
1980 year
- X-ray spectrum, X-ray radiometric and spectrum analyses of mineral element complex were introduced in Northern Mining Administration.
1978 year
- the first uranium product was extracted in Beshkak deposit;
- In Northern Mining Administration wire radio and telebroadcast nets were built.
1977 year
- the first 3000 samples were assayed in the gamma activation analysis laboratory in Muruntau open pit;
- REP started the manufacture of BUG-3M combines.
1975 year
- the first 100 million cubic meters of mined rock was transported from Muruntau open pit;
- HMP-2 phase III startup;
- machine-operated line for arch support manufacture was commissioned in REP;
- Zafarabad settlement was founded.
1973 year
-NMMC gold was awarded with the state “Quality mark”;
- HMP-2 phase II startup;
- REP started the manufacture of MBL-M and MBLDSH combines.
1972 year
- uranium mining pilot works using in-situ leaching method were started in Southern Mining Administration;
- HMP-2 developed the production of refined silver.
-the first uranium product was received in YujniyBukinay.
- the development of YujniyBukinay uranium deposit was started;
- HMP-1 started the production of a finished product in the form of triuranium-octoxide;
- the first gold bar weighing 11 kg 820g was cast in HMP-2;
- Zarafshan-Uchkuduk waterway was put into operation.
1967 year
-On the 1st of March the first bulk blast was effected in Muruntau open pit, the development of Muruntau deposit was started by open-pit method;
- the construction of HMP-2 was started.
1966 year
- the construction of Uchkuduk-Zarafshan highway was started.
1965 year
- sinking of exploratory shafts in Sugraly deposit and construction of production mine were started;
-the first house was commissioned by Zarafshan Construction Administration (ZCA) in Zarafshan.
1964 year
- Central and Southern Mining Administrations were organized;
- development works in Sabyrsai deposit were started;
- HMP-1 commissioning and start of triuranium-octoxide (U3O8) commercial production;
- the construction of Nurabad town was started.
1963 year
-uranium extraction in-situ leaching method was introduced in Northern Mining Administration;
- Uchkuduk-Navoi 220 kV power line was put into operation.
1962 year
-commissioning of Central Research Laboratory and experimental shop No.1 where pilot tests of uranium extraction technology from ores of Uchkuduk deposit were started;
- the construction of Repair and Engineering Plant was started;
- telephone line from Uchkuduk to Navoi was laid;
- the first rotary Complex KGTO1 was commissioned in Northern Mining Administration.
1961 year
- construction of waterways was started in Uchkuduk;
-Navoi- Uchkuduk railway for passengers was opened.
1960 year
-construction management was founded and first dwelling houses were commissioned in Uchkuduk;
-Navoi- Uchkuduk railway for freight traffic was opened;
- Sabyrsai deposit was discovered.
1959 year
- Uchkuduk was given the status of urban-type settlement.
1958 year
- September,1– date of foundation Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat;
- the city, founded next to the Kermine station, was named after the great poet Alisher Navoi;
- car pool No.1 was established in Uchkuduk, the construction of underground mines No.1,2,7 was started;
- Muruntau gold ore deposit was discovered.
1956 year
- beginning of construction of the base for the main first priority projects: permanent water supply complex, hydropower plant, Navoi-Uchkuduk railway, temporary airport.
1952 year
- Uchkuduk deposit was discovered.