Details of the environmental event with the participation of the company's youth
Created: 14.03.2022
Updated: 14.03.2022
Read: 3089
Details of the environmental event with the participation of the company's youth
On March 10-14, there was held an environmental action by about 100 young people “Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company” Joint-Stock Company, “Navoiyuran” State Enterprise, “NMMC Fund” State Organization, at the Palace of Culture “Farhad” in Muynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan to participate in the "Green year" national event as part of the "Green space" project.
On the first day of the environmental event, the participants of the event, led by the chairman of the Council of youth leaders of NMMC S. Radjabov, planted 30 thousand saxaul seedlings on the dry part of the Aral Sea, 70 kilometers from Muynak.
On the second day of the event, the participants of the event visited secondary schools № 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 of Muynak district, where they talked with talented students. "NMMC" JSC gifted modern computers, 12.5 thousand electronic books and memorable gifts to these schools. Also, with the participation of NMMC's youth and the youth of Muynak district, an intellectual game "Zakovat" and a volleyball competition were organized.
On the third day of the environmental event, the participants of the event visited the "cemetery of ships" in Muynak. Also, as part of the national event "Green year", they planted 100 seedlings of ornamental trees in the Muynak region and more than 12,000 saxaul seedlings in the dry part of the Aral Sea.