The winners of nominations of the competition “Most active young specialist of the year” were awarded
Created: 19.11.2021
Updated: 06.09.2022
Read: 3589
The winners of nominations of the competition “Most active young specialist of the year” were awarded
At a celebration organized at the Palace of culture “Farxad” in Navoi city in honor of the Day of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, the winners of nominations of the traditional competition “Most active young specialist of the year” held among NMMC’s employees were awarded.
This competition is aimed at identifying talented youth in NMMC’s units, supporting their aspirations to become comprehensively developed specialists, stimulating them, increasing the level of knowledge and professional qualities.
The final results are as follows.
The winners of nominations of the competition
“Most active young specialist of the year”:
“Most active young miner” is the head of the mining bureau of Muruntau mine of Central mining administration Zokhid Omonov.
“Most active young metallurgist” is the chief technologist of HMP-3 of Northern mining administration Shakhobiddin Akhmedov.
“Most active young power engineer” is the head of the central electrical laboratory of networks and substations department of Southern mining administration Muhammad Yunusov.
“Most active young geologist” is an engineer-geologist of the geological service of Mining administration “HMP-1” Asliddin Sulaimanov.
“Most active young machine builder” is the head of the compressor section of the ore preparation department of HMP-2 of Central mining administration Farrukh Khalimov.
“Most active young transport worker” is an employee of Railway transport department of Central mining administration Ozodjon Rakhmatullaev.
“Most active young chemist” is the head of Central laboratory of gamma-activation analysis of Muruntau mine of Central mining administration Alisher Kuldoshev.
“Most active young programmer” is a software engineer of Department of information and communication technologies of NMMC Khusen Ravshanov.
“Nost active young doctor” is a psychiatrist of polyclinic of Medical-sanitary unit №5 of the territorial administration “Zafarabad” of the State Organization “NMMC Fund” Alesya Muratova.
“Most active young sport coach” is a trainer in rhythmic gymnastics of Physical culture and sport club “Sogdiana” of the territorial administration “Navoi” of the State Organization “NMMC Fund” Farangiz Akhmedova.
“Most active young worker of culture” is a worker on decorative decorations of Cultural and sport center “Yoshlik” of the territorial administration “Zafarabad” of the State Organization “NMMC Fund” Madadjon Kuldoshev.
The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.