There was published a book entitled “Strategy of the long-term development of the Kyzylkum region” on the example of the activities of Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company in Germany.
This book, the authors of which are the general director of NMMC, doctor of technical sciences, professor K. Sanakulov, doctor of technical sciences, professor A. Kadyrov, was published in english and russian languages. The results of research on the development of the conceptual foundations of the strategy for the long-term innovative development of the Kyzylkum region, the state and prospects of using the ecological, energy and water resources of the region are presented in this book, using the example of the enterprise’s activities.
In addition, this book examines the issues of investment, localization and intersectoral cooperation, taking into account the introduction of new facilities in the Kyzylkum region, as well as the formation of the structure of the region as a natural and industrial system.
The book is intended for a wide range of scientists, specialists involved in system analysis of large systems development of regions and mining complexes, as well as undergraduates and postgraduate students of higher educational institutions.