The investment project is being implemented at a rapid pace
Created: 24.08.2021
Updated: 24.08.2021
Read: 3756
The investment project is being implemented at a rapid pace
Also, on August 23, before the 30th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, there was held a ceremony for the commissioning of the Northeast Cyclical flow technology complex within the framework of the investment project “Development of the Muruntau quarry. Phase V” at the Muruntau mine in Central mining administration of Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat.
The Muruntau mine is the pride of our country, our enterprise and the main raw material base, and is also the leader among the world's mines. According to the analytical center Kitco, the Muruntau mine is recognized as the world leader in gold production in 2020. In addition, Forbes magazine noted that the world's largest open gold mine Muruntau is located in Uzbekistan, which is also possibly the largest in the world in terms of gold reserves.
Today the mine is recognized by geologists as the largest in terms of gold reserves, its reserves are estimated at more than 4 thousand tons. The length of the quarry is 4.3 km, width - 3.2 km, depth - about 650 meters. Currently, more than 42 million tons of ore is mined from the quarry per year, and in 2026 this figure is planned to be increased to 50 million tons. In the future, it is planned to mine gold at a depth of 1000 meters.
For this purpose, the investment project “Development of the Muruntau quarry. Phase V” worth 733.9 million dollars is currently being implemented at a rapid pace, which makes it possible to create about 1.8 thousand new work places. At the first stage of this project, the Northeast Cyclical flow technology complex was put into operation. With the help of this complex, gold-bearing ore is crushed, transported from the unloading point along conveyors, and as a result, transport costs are reduced.
The event was attended by the general director of Navoi mining and metallurgical combinat K. Sanakulov, the management and specialists of NMMC, representatives of the media.