The invention relates to mineral mining under conditions of natural occurrence by means of leaching together with mine rocks, and mining of deep-seated water-encroached productive strata (PS) in the presence of initial high-heads.
The object of invention is to increase mining efficiency in the presence of aquicludes above the PS through stimulation of leaching processes.
In layers of upper PS aquiclude, the outpost tapped mine workings with the initial hydraulic pressure head are driven according to square patterns, and divide the PS into blocks. Mine workings for leaching reagent feed and product solution pumping are formed from outpost mine workings in the center of blocks and on their flanks. At that, mine workings in the center of blocks are formed along the latter in the form of horizontally-branched wells with branches in the central part of blocks. The branches are allocated in mutually antithetic directions to wells and in mutually perpendicular planes.
Key words: aquiclude, bore-hole, leaching
The invention is covered by Inventors Certificate No.1535093.
The technology may be transferred under license agreement. Please send your offers for acquisition of license to the following address: 27 Navoi Str., Navoi 210100, Uzbekistan. Tel: +998(79)2277206,