Control method of leaching of metals from the pulp
Created: 07.05.2015
Updated: 03.12.2020
Read: 1510
Control method of leaching of metals from the pulp
Сontrol method of leaching of metals from the pulp is implemented using plant for the leaching of precious metals from pulps.
Method includes: determining the concentration of the reagent in the pulp of reactor, the automatic dispensing of the reagent based on signals from the flowmetre of pulp and the initial reagent concentration, an experimental determination of the optimum concentration of the reagent in the last reactor pulp; construction of curves changes of reagent concentration in the pulp for reactors, measurement of reagent concentration in the pulp of the first reactor to the last after a time interval, corresponding to the time of pumping of the pulp from the preceding reactor to the subsequent, determination by plottings between the optimum concentration of reagent in pulp of the last reactor and necessary for the initial concentration of the reagent; automatic change of the initial reagent concentration in the pulp.
The method allows to quickly change initial reagent concentration assignment in the pulp, depending on changes of current reagent concentration in the leaching process. Provides a high degree of recovery of the useful component.
The technology is protected by the patent RUZ IAP 02378. "Know-how" is available Transfer of technology and "Know–how" is possible only under the license agreement. For acquisition of license contact Mr Usmanov (Tel: +998-79-2277206 27 Navoi St., Navoi 210100, Uzbekistan.