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Representatives of the media and journalists got acquainted with the activities of the enterprises of the Company
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- Representatives of the media and journalists got acquainted with the activities of the enterprises of the Company
- Created: 29.05.2024
- Updated: 29.05.2024
- Read: 3373
Representatives of the media and journalists got acquainted with the activities of the enterprises of the Company
On May 29, 2024, press tour and press conference for representatives of the media and journalists, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Central Mining Administration of JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company were held.
Today, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company is the largest enterprise with high potential not only in the industry of Uzbekistan, but also among the top gold mining companies in the world.
It is worth especially noting that the Central Mining Administration, which employs more than 21 thousand workers, is the largest unit of the Company in terms of production indicators. In recent years, the implementation of large investment projects for the construction of new hydrometallurgical plants, the development of new deposits, and the increase in the capacity of existing mines and plants serves to increase the rate of production in the mining administration.
Over the past seven years, the commissioning of Hydrometallurgical Plants №5, 7, the second stage of Hydrometallurgical Plant №2, work performed at the Muruntau, Auminzo-Amantoy, Balpantau, Tamdybulak and Turbay mines based on investment projects created new opportunities and prospects for Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company.
As a result, in 2017, in the Central Mining Administration rock mass mining amounted to 75.7 million cubic meters, and in 2023 this figure was equal to 166.1 million cubic meters. Great results were also achieved in processing. In particular, in 2017, 62 million tons of ore were processed at HMP-2, in Gold Heap Leaching Unit, and in 2023 this figure was increased to 99.3 million tons of ore due to the launch of HMP-5, 7, the second stage of HMP-2 based on investment projects.
During the press tour, media representatives and journalists visited the world-famous Muruntau gold mine, where they got acquainted in detail with the ore mining process and the work carried out as part of the 5th stage of development of the deposit.
The Muruntau mine is recognized by geologists as the largest in terms of gold resources, its resources are estimated at more than 4.5 thousand tons. It is one of the largest mines in the world for the extraction of gold ores. Today the length of the quarry is 5.5 km, the width is 3.4 km, the average depth is 650 meters. In recent years, large-scale work has been carried out as part of the investment project of the 5th stage of development of the deposit. In particular, heavy-duty dump trucks, hydraulic excavators and other mining equipment produced by leading companies such as Komatsu, Caterpillar, Hitachi, and Libherr were brought. This, in turn, makes it possible to increase labor productivity and reduce costs at the mine.
Hydrometallurgical Plant №2 is the largest and leading enterprise of the Company. This enterprise carries out technological processes from grinding ore containing precious metals to obtaining finished products in the form of high-quality cast gold. On July 21, 1969, a historical event occurred – the plant produced the first gold bar weighing 11 kg. 820 gr. from ore mined at the Muruntau mine. Today, the plant processes more than 50 million tons of ore per year. Modern IT have contributed to the complete digitalization of the plant, the enterprise has a unified situational production control center. The mark “999.9” on gold bars of NMMC produced at HMP-2 has become a brand of Uzbekistan on the world precious metals exchanges. This year, the enterprise’s staff celebrates the 55th anniversary of the plant’s launch.
Also, the United Energy Service for External Water Supply of the Central Mining Administration celebrates its 55th anniversary. On May 27, 1969, the first branch of the Amudarya-Zarafshan water pipeline, serviced by this enterprise, was launched. Today, industrial and drinking water is delivered to Zarafshan and Uchkuduk towns, production enterprises at the industrial sites “Bessopan”, “Muruntau”, “Daugyztau”, “Auminzo-Amantoy” from the Amudarya river through pipes with a length of about 1 thousand kilometers.
In addition, the press conference was organized for media representatives and journalists in the assembly hall of Hydrometallurgical Plant №7.
As experts noted at the press conference, this plant is one of the world's largest enterprises for processing technogenic, that is, previously processed waste based on modern technologies. One of the important aspects of processing industrial waste is the absence of costs for extraction, technological crushing, sorting and transportation. Such measures led to a significant reduction in the cost of products manufactured at the plant, where 16 million tons of technogenic ore are processed per year.
At the press conference, detailed answers were given to questions from media representatives and journalists.
The Press service of the Company.