Educational, scientific and industrial cooperation between Germany and Uzbekistan
Created: 13.04.2024
Updated: 17.04.2024
Read: 3316
Educational, scientific and industrial cooperation between Germany and Uzbekistan
On April 11, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education and the University “New Uzbekistan” held an international symposium on the topic “Bridging borders: Exploring Collaborative Pathways between German and Uzbek Academia and Industry” at the Technical University of Munich (Germany).
Representatives of higher educational institutions, government agencies and industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan and Germany took part in this symposium.
As part of the delegation of Uzbekistan, together with the University of New Uzbekistan, the event was attended by managers and specialists of textile, leather and footwear, electrical, energy, automotive, chemical and metallurgical enterprises, which are drivers of the economy. In particular, Deputy General Director of JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company K. Taparov also participated in the symposium.
In the panel sessions of the symposium, managers and specialists of prestigious universities and companies of Uzbekistan and Germany, including the Ministry of Energy, JSC NMMC, JSC AMMC, Uzmetkombinat, Uzbekistan Airways and other companies exchanged experiences and opinions on organizing and conducting internships for talented students at local and industrial enterprises, joint research projects.
As a result of the cooperation established within the framework of this symposium, it is planned to create an International Industrial Advisory Council of the New Uzbekistan University with the participation of industrial companies from Uzbekistan and Germany.
This Council provides for the further development of the integrated “science-education-production” system in Uzbekistan based on German experience.