Results of 2023: work in the direction of “green energy”
Created: 08.01.2024
Updated: 08.01.2024
Read: 3277
Results of 2023: work in the direction of “green energy”
At JSC Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company the volume of electricity obtained from renewable energy sources is increasing every year. “Green energy” technologies are of great importance for the company, which ensure energy generation at enterprises in addition to existing energy sources.
In particular, in 2023, as a result of energy efficiency measures implemented at the company, 54.7 million kW.h. electricity and 1.2 million cubic meters of natural gas were saved.
It is worth especially noting that the company is carrying out large-scale work on the implementation of solar photovoltaic stations. Last year, a total of 1.450 kW. solar photovoltaic stations were put into operation at the company, which generate 2.465 million kW.h. electricity per year. This year, solar photovoltaic stations with a capacity of 5.700 kW. will be installed in the company’s units to cover the required electricity from solar energy sources. As a result, more than 50 percent of the power needs of the company unit’s administrative buildings will be covered by renewable energy sources.
Today, on the basis of an investment project, work is underway to build a solar photovoltaic station with a capacity of 220 MW. near the industrial facilities of NMMC units - the Auminzo-Amantoy mine and Hydrometallurgical Plant №5. After commissioning of this solar photovoltaic station, it will be possible to generate 374 million kW.h. electricity per year.
In addition, to provide hot water to the enterprises of the company, work is being carried out to install solar water heating devices (solar collectors). Due to the localization of production of the main components of solar collectors, their cost is reduced to 50%.
In 2023, the number of operating solar water heating devices at the company was about 5.000 units. As a result, the need for hot water at the company’s facilities in April-October is 100 percent provided by solar water heating devices.