the press conference dedicated to work in the field of ecology and environmental protection was held
Created: 15.09.2022
Updated: 15.09.2022
Read: 3281
the press conference dedicated to work in the field of ecology and environmental protection was held
On September 15, 2022, there was held the press conference on the topic “Work in the field of ecology and environmental protection in the Joint-Stock Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company: results, achievements and plans for the future” at the museum of “NMMC History” in Navoi city.
Labor protection director of JSC NMMC Alisher Tursunov, head of Department for environmental protection Shokhida Ortikova, heads and employees of the Press service, representatives of the media and journalists participated in the press conference.
Currently, the Joint-Stock Company Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company is carrying out large-scale work in all areas. One of such important and relevant areas is the work and practical results on ecology and environmental protection at the enterprise. In particular, the company pays special attention to the protection of atmospheric air, the protection of water and land resources, waste management and biodiversity conservation.
For example, the installation of modern filters, dust and gas cleaning equipment that captures 95-99 percent of pollutants at all production enterprises of the company serves to prevent air pollution. Only the construction of three additional dust and gas cleaning devices with high cleaning efficiency in Grinding unit of Hydrometallurgical plant №3 made it possible to retain 62 tons of dust gases.
To date, the tailings of Hydrometallurgical plants №2, 4, 5, the Mardzhanbulak gold recovery plant, as well as wastewater from all mines and quarries, are re-treated and used in production. For example, in 2021, 18 percent or 18.2 million cubic meters of the total industrial water volume of 100 million cubic meters was treated. This year, it is planned to increase the volume of processing of 134.3 million cubic meters of process water up to 34 percent or 46 million cubic meters.
In order to save energy, 260 solar water heaters have been installed at the company for the hot water supply of the units, and this shows good results.
In 2020, 977 hectares were reclaimed and in 2021 – 307.9 hectares of land. In general, during the operation of the company, about 37 thousand hectares of land have been reclaimed.
Installations for the pyrolysis of used car tires have been introduced In Northern and Southern mining administrations. As a result of the processing of used tires, pyrolysis fuel, scrap metal and secondary carbon black products are obtained.
In recent years, more than 168.2 thousand seedlings of fruit and ornamental trees have been planted on an area of 122.7 hectares within the framework of the national project “Yashil makon”. In 2020 and 2022, as part of an environmental event, over 120 thousand saxaul seedlings were planted by the youth of the company in the dried-up part of the Aral Sea in Muynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
An important role in the implementation of work in this direction is played by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to determine environmental requirements and environmental protection standards in the mining and metallurgical industry based on international standards” dated August 25, 2022. To ensure the implementation of the government resolution, a corresponding order and a 19-point program of the plant were adopted. Currently, the tasks defined in it are sequentially performed.
At the press conference, detailed answers were given to questions from media representatives and journalists.