A briefing was held on the implementation of the State Program
Created: 03.08.2022
Updated: 03.08.2022
Read: 3294
A briefing was held on the implementation of the State Program
On August 3, 2022, there was held a briefing at the “NMMC History” museum in Navoi city with the participation of head of the Press center of JSC NMMC A. Juraev on the implementation of the State Program for implementation of the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026 in the “Year of ensuring human interests and development of the mahalla”.
Within the framework of the State Program, JSC NMMC is implementing a program of activities consisting of 7 sections, 42 points in the amount of 44.4 billion soums and 486 million dollars.
Over the past six months, thanks to the systematic organization of work on the items provided for in the action plan, work was completed in the amount of about 31 billion soums and about 252 million dollars.
In particular, firstly, within the framework of the Investment Program in 2022, it is planned to create 2 095 new work places and attract young professionals through the implementation of new projects. For six months, 1 510 new work places have been created, including for graduates of universities and colleges, young people prepared for the profession at the monocenter “Welcome to work!”.
Secondly, more than 13 billion 895 million soums were spent on the introduction of an artificial intelligence system at the flotation section at Hydrometallurgical plant-5.
Thirdly, more than 5 billion 385 million soums were spent on training and retraining of top and lower managers of the company.
Fourthly, more than 2 billion 951 million soums were spent on the purchase of agricultural products for about three thousand pensioners of the company on the basis of the Collective Agreement. Pensioners were also allocated preferential vouchers to sanatoriums for 3 billion 68 million soums, and single pensioners were provided with material assistance for 439 million soums.
Fifthly, more than a thousand children from low-income families living in remote and desert areas, and pupils of family orphanages were allocated preferential vouchers to children's health camps for a total of 1 billion 623 million soums.
Sixthly, more than 1 billion 547 million soums were spent on measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.
Seventhly, based on the project “Travel around Uzbekistan!” more than 395 million soums were allocated to organize trips for about 4 thousand employees of the company to historical cities.
Eighthly, about 310 million soums were spent on the meaningful organization of youth leisure, spiritual and educational work.
Ninthly, within the framework of the program “Yashil makon”, the company planted 51.5 thousand seedlings of fruit, ornamental trees and shrubs, 232 million soums were spent on its implementation.
As a result of the efforts made, the semi-annual plan of the “Year of ensuring human interests and development of the mahalla” was completed by 69%.